Dynamic Core Infrastructure Unit

A critical goal of UC-Stanford-CERSI is to provide integrative project management and oversight and sustainable funding, in the context of a robust and dynamic business plan.

To achieve these goals, we will establish a Steering Committee comprised of FDA and university scientists who are participants in the CERSI. Unit leaders of the Education-Exchange and the Collaborative Research Units will report directly to the Steering Committee.

The Dynamic Core Infrastructure Unit will also facilitate communication and integration by sponsoring a monthly webinar series focused on research and issues of importance in regulatory sciences and maintaining a virtual home for the CERSI. To provide advice on real-world issues in drug development, an Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) will be established.

Members of the IAB will consist of scientists from the Bay Area Scientific Innovation Consortium (BASIC) a consortium of scientists in the biotech/pharmaceutical industry, with strong links to Stanford and UCSF, and from the powerful information technology industry of silicon valley, which is increasingly interested in health issues. In addition to providing advice, IAB members will also contribute and raise funds to support the CERSI.

The business plan, described in detail below, will consist of funding streams from four sources: federal CERSI grant support, UCSF School of Pharmacy Dean’s and Chancellor’s office funds, fees paid to attend ACDRS and short courses, and donations from industrial and individual members on the IAB.

Aim of the Dynamic Core Infrastructure Unit:

(a) provide management and oversight
(b) facilitate integrative activities through establishment and maintenance of a virtual home and a seminar/webinar series
(c) provide sustainable funding for UCSF-Stanford-CERSI.